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A little about me!

I am a senior at Berea College seeking a major in Computer and Information Science. I have an interest in data analysis, web development, and machine learning. I am a fast learner and can pick up skills and use them to create a product quickly.

In my current position as a student software engineer at Berea College, I focus on improving campus departments workflow and reducing costs associated with productivity. I have created a course scheduling system that reduced interdepartmental paperwork and centralized the scheduling process for all those involved. I have also created a system to facilitate proposal submission for undergraduate research funding. Previous Experience also includes contributing to the PHETsims open source project where I was able to push a simulation very close to its completion.

Faculty and fellow students know me as a very motivated person who can bring projects to completion. I work hard to stay on the edge of best programming practices and think of new approaches to difficult problems. I am also known as a problem solver that enjoys a good a challenge. I work well alone and excel when collaborating with others.

I am pursuing new opportunities and can be contacted at 859-893-2833


Some interesting projects that I have worked on.

Tunnel Vision

Inventory System

Data Hub



Note taking system

Pendulum Lab

Science Simulation


Science Simulation

Curve Fitting

Science Simulation

Contact Me

Email is on my resume, but here is another way to do it.